Shakespeare was an English playwright, poet and actor. He is regarded as the greatest writer in the English literature and world's famous dramatist of Elizabethan age. He is often called nation poet of England and Bard of Avon.

Biography of William Shakespeare

Life of William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare was born on 23 April 1564. He was baptize in holy Trinity church, Stratford-Upon-Avon on Wednesday 26 April 1564. ( Stratford- upon-Avon is the main town of the District Stratford -upon Avon.) Shakespeare contemporary dramatist were Cristopher Marlowe, George Chapman, Thomas Kyd, Ben Jonson .Shakespeare probably attended the Grammar School at Stratford there he learned 'small Latin less Greek . 

Spouse and Children

In 1582,he was married to Anne Hathaway. she was 8 years senior to him in age . 
Shakespeare had 3 child named -
(1) Susanna 
(2) Hamnet
(3) Judith
Shakespeare had the first child only after the six month of the marriage. the elder Daughter Susanna was baptized on 26 may 1583.two years later , twins-Hamnet and Judith were born 
Susanna was married to John Hall, a physician and Judith to Thomas Quiney. the husband of Judith was junior to her in age . the only son Hamnet died at the age of 11on August 1596.
About the year, 1587 he left his home town and family and went to London. he joined the Burbage' company of players. it is said that he left his hometown (Stratford) because of his stealing deer from sir Thomas Lucy's park. this accident becomes the life changing movement for Shakespeare's literary  career he began a successful career in London as an actor, writer and part owner of a playing company called the Lord chamberlain's men , later known as the King's men

Shakespeare's literary work

between about 1590and 1613 Shakespeare wrote at least 37,plays and collaborated on several more . Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets which were published in 1609. he wrote 10 tragedies  . in tragedies 4 tragedies became the milestone of his literary career. his most famous tragedies are-Hamlet , Macbeth, Othello, King Lear, Romeo and Juliet, Antony and Cleopatra etc 
Shakespeare wrote 17 comedies -as you like it , A midsummer night dream, Much ado about nothing, Twelfth night, Merchant of Venice etc 
he wrote 10 historical play .his historical plays covered the period of English history of England over a period of about 350 years
he wrote some narrative poems as Venus and Adonis, The Rape of  Lucrece which he dedicated to Earl of Southampton. his literary work is so famous in literature that he became the most pre eminent .dramatist in this world and called the King of drama . 

Shakespeare's death 

On April 23 1616 king of drama, William Shakespeare died in his hometown Stratford-upon-Avon at the age of 52. his death occurred on or near his birthday (the exact date of his birth remains unknown )
Shakespeare was buried in the Chancel of the Holy Trinity Church two days after his death . the epitaph carved into the stone slab covering his grave includes a curse against moving his bones which was carefully avoided during restoration of the church-
  "Good friend, for Jesus's sake forebear 
    To dig the dust enclosed here
    Blessed be the man that spares these stones
     And cursed be that moves my bones."