William Wordsworth was one of the greatest English poet and he had an exceptional influence on the development on the English literature. Wordsworth mastered all the major verse forms. He is called the high priest and worshipper of nature by the most celebrated critics of the 18th and 19th century. His poems show not only the love of nature but also feelings of respect & reverence for her. In this Biography we will discuss about the birthplace of Wordsworth, his parents, his education, his family, children and the literary career of Wordsworth.

Biography of William Wordsworth

William Wordsworth (1770 – 1850)

Birth: - Wordsworth was born on 7 April 1770, Cockermouth.  

Family: - John Wordsworth was the father of William Wordsworth. His father was a attorney-at-law. Wordsworth mother name was Anne Cookson. Wordsworth was the second of five children. He was of a moody and violent temper boy.  He was very close to his sister, Dorothy. In 1778, his mother died when he was only 8 years old.

Education: - Wordsworth spent much of his boyhood among the shepherd, and dales men of his native country. He was educated at Hawkeshead school Lancashire, and at Cambridge University. In University he felt rather only and morose.           After finishing his educational career, he visited France two times in 1790 and 1791 during the French revolution. His visited to France made a profound impact on his life. During his second visit he fell in love with Marie Anne Vallon which resulted to giving birth a female child.

His spouse: - Marry Hutchinson was the wife of Wordsworth. Her sister was Sarah Hutchinson whom S.T. Coleridge loved and he addressed his work (Dejection to an ode) to her sister Sarah.

In 1795, Wordsworth settled down in Somerset with his sister Dorothy. In 1797, he made friend with S.T. Coleridge who came to live nearby and in 1798, they collaborate in producing Lyrical Ballads.

His literary career: - Wordsworth highly inspired by  French Revolution. He started adoring the principles of Equality, Liberty and Fraternity. This accounts for his great humanism. He loved and adore nature primarily because nature gave joy, peace, and shelter to man from the fever and fret of life. He was a worshipper of nature because he looked upon nature as the adobe of God.

The great decade of his poetry was from 1797 to 1807. By, 1830, he was acknowledged a great poet and in 1843 he was made the Poet Laureate.. Wordsworth’s literary cases covered a long period of time from 1798 to 1850.

 He died in 1850 at the mature age of 80.

His literary works :-No other English poet has probably written so many poems as Wordsworth . His more important and more popular poems are as follows:

1- His longer poems

The Prelude

The Excursion

Tintern Abbey

Ode on Intimation of immortality



Ode to Duty

The Leech –Gatherer the Recluse

2- His sonnets series

The river Duddon sonnets

The Ecclesiastical sonnets

Sonnets Dedicated to Liberty

Miscellaneous sonnets

3- His Lyric

To Milton

Upon Westminster

The Rainbow

  The world is too much with us

We are seven.

To the Cuckoo

The Daffodils

Lucy Gray

An evening walk.

4- Drama

The Borderers

5- Criticism

Preface to the second edition of the Lyrical Ballads

This is the sort lists of Wordsworth’s work. Now we are discussing some major work of him in brief.

An acquaintance with major works

The recluse

Words worth wises to pen a philosophical poem The Recluse but it remains unfinished. The Prelude and The Excursion are to be the parts of The Recluse which will treat of Nature, Man and Society. “The Home at Grasmere” is the first book of the Recluse, published in 1888 after the death of the poet.

The Prelude

The Prelude is a poem by Wordsworth. It is a spiritual Biography. He starts writing it in 1798-99 and finishes it in 1805. It is published in 1850 after his death under the editorship of Mr. Carter, the poet’s secretary. His plan is to make The Prelude a part of his long poem The Recluse.

To a Skylark

“To a Skylark” is Wordsworth’s poem. It is written in 1825 and published in 1827. The poet presents the characteristics of a bird. The Skylark soars high. While soaring, it sings. Though it is in the sky, it keeps its eyes and heart to its nest which is on the ground. It comes to the nest at its will. It folds its wings and stops its song. It sings all the year round. It is like the wise men on earth. Skylark becomes the symbol of wisdom. The union of Home and Heaven becomes the centre.

Ethereal minstrel! Pilgrim of the sky!


Type of the wise who soar, but never roam;

True to the kindred points of Heaven and Home!

The world is too much to us

“The world is too much with us” is Wordsworth’s sonnets. It is a criticism of the Materialistic outlook of the people. Getting and spending have become the chief concern in life. People have given their heart and soul to the pursuit of money. They do not appreciate the beauty of nature. The poet likes to the Pagan so that he may remain in touch with nature. This sonnet has the rhyming scheme of abba  abba   cde  cde. The poet has mentioned the two sea gods –Proteus and Triton.

  The world is too much with us; late and soon,

Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers

Little we see in Nature that is ours;

We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon!

The sea that bares her bosom to the moon:

Tintern Abbey: -

“ Tintern Abbey “is Wordsworth’s poem. Which appeared in Lyrical Ballads (1798). Its complete title is –Lines Composed A Few miles above Tintern abbey on Revisiting  the Banks of the Wye during a Tour, July 13, 1798.” Wordsworth visits the place in 1793 and revisits it in 1798after a gap of 5 years. It is concerned with the description of the scene, the poet’s view of nature and the address to Dorothy, his sister. It contains Wordsworth complete philosophy and his view on nature. When the poet was in moment of trouble and distress, the memory of the beautiful scene of nature round Tintern Abbey gives relief him. He sees a Divine power in all the aspects of nature. The blank verse is used in this beautiful poem.

What is the first poem of Wordsworth?

The first poem of Wordsworth is in the collections An Evening Walk and Descriptive Sketches. It is published in 1793.

Why Wordsworth is called a Romantic poet?

Romantic age begins with the publication of Lyrical Ballads in 1798. Lyrical Ballads is a collaboration of William Wordsworth and S.T. Coleridge. Wordsworth is a Romantic poet because his philosophy and his poetry are representative of the ideals and the themes of the Romantic age. He is called the worshipper of nature.

How many poems did William Wordsworth write?

William Wordsworth wrote 387 poems during his lifetime.

What is the Wordsworth longest poem?

The Prelude is the longest poem of Wordsworth. It is an autobiographical poem written in Blank verse. It published in 1850 after the death of Poet. It contains 14 books.

Who called Wordsworth a poet of nature?

Shelley called him the poet of Nature. he, too called himself “ A Worshipper of Nature.”

Who are the Three Lake poets?

Lake poet:- It was the group of a English poet who belonged and lived in the Lake District of England at the beginning of the  19th century.

The Lake poets are –

  1. William Wordsworth
  2. S.T. Coleridge
  3. Robert Southey.

Who are the older poets and the younger poets?

The older poets are –Wordsworth, Walter Scott, and Robert Southey. And the younger poets are – Shelley, Keats and Lord Byron.