Today we are discussing about the longest play of Shakespeare. Shakespeare is the most popular dramatist of Elizabethan age. here we elaborate the play 'Hamlet' written by William Shakespeare. In this reference we will know the summary of hamlet, main character in Hamlet, theme, character sketch of hamlet, soliloquy etc. so, lets start.

Hamlet by William Shakespeare

Hamlet written by William Shakespeare-

                                                                                      Hamlet is one of the most famous work of William Shakespeare in the English Language and is often included on lists of the world’s greatest literature. The genre of this play is revenge tragedy. Hamlet is the one of the popular tragedies ever written. In this play we explore the themes of revenge death deception and loyalty, summary of the play, character sketch, protagonist of the play. Antagonist of the play, and soliloquy etc.

Title:      Hamlet                           

  • when was Hamlet Published?

        Ans: Hamlet was published as a quarto in 1603.

  • Who wrote revenge tragedy, Hamlet?

        Ans: Shakespeare wrote the revenge tragedy, Hamlet.

  • What is the genre of Hamlet?

        Ans: The genre of Hamlet is a revenge Tragedy.

  • What is the setting of play Hamlet?

        Ans: The setting of Hamlet is Denmark.

  • What is the main theme of Hamlet?

        Ans: There is 5 major themes in Hamlet,

    1. Action and inaction
    2. Appearance vs. reality
    3. Women
    4. Religion, honour, and revenge
    5. Poison, corruption and death

  • When was Hamlet written?

        Ans: Hamlet was published as a quarto in 1603.

Characters list of Hamlet

Hamlet -son of the late king Hamlet and nephew of the present king Claudius.

Claudius – Hamlet’s uncle and the villain of this play

Gertrude – Queen and mother of Hamlet

Polonius – Chief counsellor of the king

Ophelia – Polonius’s  daughter

Laertes – Polonius’s son

Horatio -  Hamlet’s friend

Voltimand and Cornelius - courtiers

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern – Friends of Hamlet

Marcellus -  An officer

Ghost – The ghost of Hamlet’s father

Fortinbras – Prince of Norway

Osric – A courtier


Why hamlet is a tragedy?

Hamlet is a revenge Tragedy. In the first Act we know that Hamlet father was killed by his uncle and his mother married with his uncle . hearing this news Hamlet became restless .Hamlet wants to know the secret  that who killed his father . For this mission he planed that he is a mad person . he broke his relationship with his passionate beloved , Ophelia. He killed Polonius an account of ignorance .Many painful things occurred in Hamlet’s life . By the searching of king’s murderer , he ruined his everything and become a melancholic person At the end many deaths happen . The series of deaths and the tragic death of the Hamlet became this play a tragedy.

What is the main theme in the soliloquies of Hamlet?

 There are three main themes in the contains of Hamlet’s Soliloquy

  1. Uncertainty and doubts
  2. Life and death
  3. Madness

What is the strongest theme in Hamlet?

The mystery of death of Hamlet’s father is the strongest theme in the play ‘Hamlet’. All over the story of this play is around about this theme . but the mystery solved in the end of the play.

The other main themes of this play are – revenge, death deception and loyalty.

What is Hamlet’s famous line?

It is known as the famous English Proverb---- To be, or not to be, that is question. This line is spoken by Hamlet during his soliloquy in the nunnery. It makes one of Shakespeare’s most  famous quotes.

Who is the hero in Hamlet?

Prince Hamlet is the hero of the play ‘Hamlet’ . his determination’s to protect his own honor to maintain his morality. Hamlet is Shakespeare’s absolute hero; he has all the qualities of heroism.

Who is the villain  in Hamlet?

Claudius is the villain  in Hamlet. He destroyed Hamlet life by killing his father. Claudius become king of Denmark and denies Hamlet the future that rightfully belongs to him . 

 Summary of Hamlet: -

 Marcellus and Bernardo guard the castle of Elsinore. They have seen the ghost of the dead king Hamlet. They share it with the Horatio. The ghost appears again. Now they decided to tell Hamlet,  the dead Hamlet’s son.Claudius is the brother of dead Hamlet. He marries Gertrude.Young Hamlet is returned from the University at Wittenberg. Claudius sent Voltimand and Cornelius, the two ambassadors to Norway to stop invasion by young Fortinbras. Laertes is the son of Polonius. He wants to take Claudius’s permission to return to France. Hamlet muses over the hasty marriage of his uncle Claudius and his mother Gertrude. .Horatio informs him about the ghost visit. .Hamlet Meets the ghost.  The ghost reveals that Claudius is murderer. Claudius murdered him by pouring poison in his ear. The ghost ordered him to take revenge . Now the story of revenge is start. Hamlet agrees. He asks Horatio and other not to speak about the ghost. He tells them that he may behave stangely.But, they have not to say anything.

Polonius bids farewell to Laertes who is ready to go to France . He asks his daughter to be away from Hamlet. Hamlet appears in a strange manner before Ophellia .He appears to be mad. Polonius tells the king and the queen that Ophellia has rejected Hamlet . Heis sure that the rejected love is the main cause of his madness. The king invites Resencrantz and Guildenstern to find out what is wrong with the Hamlet. They are Hamlet’s fellow student. Polonius makes Ophellia meet hamlet . He  with Claudius , will take notice of the meeting. Hamlet meets Ophellia. He start taljing about life and death. He talks about his relationship with her. He asks her to go to nunnery. Claudius concludes that love is  not the cause of his madness. He plans to send him abroad.

In the meantime, players come. Hamlet asks him to perform the play  ‘The Murder of Ganzago’before the king Claudius . The play will be the ‘The Mausetrap’ as Hamlet with Horatio wants to catch Claudius’s reaction. One of the player plays the role of the king. The scene of pouring poison into the ear makes Claudius leave the play.Hamlet feel happy as he has caught Claudius’ conscience. Polonius hides himself in the room so that he  may hear the conversation of Hamlet and queen Gertrude. .Hamlet found Claudius alone. Claudius is praying.Hamlet stop himself and thinks he will not kill Claudius in this religious state of mind. He comes to meet his mother ,queen Gertrude and find that there is someone who is hiding behind the curtain. He kills the person. He is surprised to see the person ,is Polonius, not the Claudius.He talks with his mother . He asks her to change her ways. The ghost appears. Its asks Hamlet to be kind towards his mother.

Claudius calls Rosencrantz and Guildenstern and orders them to go to England with Hamlet. Ophellia has become mad. Laertes comes back. He blames Claudius  for the murder of his father ,Polonius. He feels sad and become angry when he sees his sister,Ophellia’s condition. Claudius makes Laertes belive that Hamlet is responsible for the death of his father ,Polonius. He makes a plane to kill Hamlet . Hamlet will be invited to the duel with Laertes.Laertes’ sword will be unblunted. It will be dipped in poison. There will also be a drink mixed with poison. The drink will be the offered to Hamlet. Gertrude brings the news of the death of the Ophellia.

Hamlet returned to Elsinore. He meets Horatio. He sees two clowns who are digging a grave . He comes to know that the grave is meant fo ophellia.  The funeral  scene occurs. Laertes declares his love for his sister , Ophellia. Hamlet comes and declares his love for Ophellia.Laertes and hamlet grapple to each other. Hamlet shares with Horatio about the plane of his death which was arranged by Claudius and also tells how he escaped.

Orsick comes and gives the news of the fencing match. Hamlet accepts the challenge.The match begins . Gertrude  drinks from the poisoned cup. Laertes wounds Hamlet with the poisoned rapier. Hamlet also wounded Laertes with the same rapier. While dying,Laertes blames Claudius. Hamlet kills the king. He is aboput to die. He declares that Fortinbras is the right person for succession .He asks Horatio to tell his story to the people and defend his name. Fortinbras gives Hamlet a military funeral.     


 Character Sketch of Hamlet

Introduction :

                  Hamlet, the prince of Denmark, the hero of the Tragedy named after him. He is one of the most complex and challenging character. He is the protagonist of the story and the son of the late king ,Hamlet and queen Gertrude.

He is reflective and thoughtful young man who has studies at the University of Wittenberg.

According to Mazow—“ Hamlet is the greatest human composition. He had a many sided character personality a prince, a courtier, philosopher, an intellectual, a warrior a scholar etc. He is a mystery not solved despite spending a large quantity of paper and ink.

He has a number of qualities of head and heart which makes him the beloved by all. Claudius is afraid of his popularity. Ophelia praises him in following words as a very noble and princely youth.

“The courtier’s soldier’s scholar’s eye tongue sword,

The expectancy and rose of fair state.

 The glass of fashion and the mould of form,

The observed of all observation.”

His intellectual power----- Hamlet has been a keen student of Wittenberg  University. He has studied a great deal and has remembered and noted down in his diary. No Royal ambition urges him to the  society  of his equality.

His love for Ophelia—There is no doubt that Hamlet had true and deep love for Ophelia . They passionately love to each other. She never declared her love in words. It has been summed up so clearly by Mrs. Jonson,

‘His love is deep, real and precisely of the kind which such a man as Hamlet would feel for such a woman as Ophelia.”

When Polonius questioned her on his subject, Ophelia admitted with mincing her words that he is the lord of her heart.

An affectionate son:-Hamlet loves his father  a lot. He was barely able to accept the death of his father. Hamlet could never accept the fact ,after the death of his father his mother  married his uncle. He cried out to his mother-

“And yet, within a month, let me not think on it, Frailty, thy name is woman .”

His madness:-Hamlet ios a very disturbed soul. He is a tortured man. To some it appears that Hamlet has lost his reason under the pressure of situations. Those who think that Hamlet  has really mad, certainly have some ground for their belief.

His melancholy:-Though by nature Hamlet was cheerful but situation makes him a melancholic person .He appears that first mourning the loss of a beloved father. His uncle bids him to throwaway. He is tired of life and wishes for death.

His nature and temperament: - In his childhood he was h gay and cheerful person. He delighted in jokes and wit. But because of the treacherous manner of the world and injustice done to him by his own mother and uncle and fate. he has grown.

Conclusion: - In the last we can say that Hamlet is a fair and fine character who cares a lot for morality, he is a open-minded person. his heart is pure and noble.



Soliloquy of Hamlet

There are total 7 soliloquy in Hamlet. first soliloquy appears in Act 1 scene 2

“That is too too sullied

Flesh would melt’

Shows how disguised

Hamlet is at his


Second soliloquy is in act 1 scene 5 after meeting the ghost. Hamlet commits to avenge his father’s death.

Soliloquy 3: occurs in Act 2 scene 23 where Hamlet feels guilty for not taking revenge.

Soliloquy 4: To be or not to be   occurs in Act 3 scene 1 where Hamlet thinks about the conflict between  passion and reason.

SOLILOQUY 5: “Tis  now the very watching time of night “ occurs in Act 3 scene 2 before Hamlet goes to Gertrude’s chamber.

Soliloquy 6 occurs in Act 3 scene3  (prayer scene) when Hamlet decided not to kill Claudius.

Soliloquy 7 in Act 4 scene 4 when hamlet thinks about his inability to excute his revenge even with sufficient motive and cause.