Tess of the D’ Urbervilles is a masterpiece of Thomas Hardy. It was written in 1891. Tess of the D’Urbervilles initially appeared in a serialized version in the Graphic. It deals a unique theme and perfect plot. It is a social novel in which Hardy describes the family affair of rich section of society. This is the story of an ordinary girl who is belongs to a rural area. In this novel we can see the content of manipulation, a child, and even murder. The novel is set in rural Wessex, a fictional region of England, in the 19th century.

Tess of the d'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy

Summary of the Tess of the d'Urbervilles novel

Tess of the D’Urbervilles is the most pessimistic and gloomiest of the novels of Hardy. It is a story of Tess, the daughter of an eccentric villager of Blackmoor, who believes that he is a descendant of an aristocratic, ancient family named d’ Urbervilles. This novel challenged the sexual moral of late Victorian England. It is set this rural England is Hardy’s fictional Wessex during the long depression of the 1870’s. The Maiden, Maiden No More, The Rally, the consequence, The woman pays, the convert and Fulfilment are the seven phrase in the novel

Tess Durbyfield is a 16-year-old simple country girl. Tess Durbyfield is the daughter of Sir Jack Durbyfield and Mrs. Joan Durbyfield. Her father is a poor haggler of the village of Marlott. Parson Tringham gives him the impression that he has the noble blood of D’Urbervilles. Tess works on the farm of Lady D’Urbervilles. There she comes in the contact of the lady’s son Alec D’ Urbervilles. Alec Seduces Tess and her life become worst. Tess becomes Pregnant. She gives birth to a child. The child is called Sorrow. The child dies in infancy. Tess is disillusioned. She returns home. Again, she begins her life and faces the difficulty of world. Now she becomes a diary maid. Here she comes in touch with Angel Clare. Angel declares his love for Tess. Tess also falls in love with Angel Clare who wants to marry her. She wants to talk about the sin before marriage. Tess fails to reveal her past due to fear of the social problems.

Tess and Angel are engaged. Tess writes a letter for confession. But, just before the marriage, she tears the letter. They are married. After the marriage Angel Clare confesses his sin and requested Tess to forgive him. Tess forgives him. Then she confesses and tells the story of her past. But this time angel Clare does not forgive her. Angel abandons Tess. Tess returns home. Her father regards her offence inexcusable. Now she begins to work on same farms and earns to supports her parents. Tess faces days of hunger and degradation. Her father dies. One day she again meets Alec who requests her to return to him. She refuses but yields due to poverty. She surrenders her body to Alec but her heart longs for angel Clare. Angel Clare returns from Brazil and repents for his harsh treatment to Tess.  But when he returns, he finds Tess with Alec living as a degraded woman. Tess murders Alec to be free. She meets Angel Clare and says- “I have killed him he called you by a foul name. I owed it to you. It was the only way I could get you back.” Both Angel and Tess move from the scene of suffering into the scene of joy for a brief period. Tess is arrested at Stonehenge. She is hanged for the murder of Alec. “Justice was done and the President of the Immortals in Aeschylean phrase had ended his sport with Tess. We can say that this novel is both a tragedy of love and a tragedy of life.


Who wrote the line, “God’s not in Heaven; all’s wrong with the world”?

These lines are from Tess of the d’Urbervilles (1891) by Thomas Hardy. When Tess had passed over the crest of the hill, Angel Clare turned to go himself own way, and hardly knew that he loved her still.

What is the subtitle of the novel Tess of the d’Urbervilles?

“A Pure Woman Faithfully presented” is the subtitle of the novel ‘Tess of the D’Urbervilles’ written by Hardy. It was published in 1891. the novel is set in an impoverished rural England.

Who is the villain in Tess of the d ‘Urbervilles?

Alec is the villain in Tess of the d’Urbervilles. Alec seduces Tess. Tess become pregnant and gives birth to a child whose name is sorrow. Alec is the nemesis an downfall os Tess’s life.

Who is the protagonist in Tess of the d’ Urbervilles ?

Tess, a beautiful and loyal young girl is the protagonist of this novel. She is very innocent, but her misfortune destroys her.

Who is the character of Tess’s mother?

Joan Durbyfield is the mother of Tess. She is very superstitious lady. She is a housewife. She has many children. So she pays her whole attention and responsibilities for her children.

What is the name of Tess’s illegitimate child?

Alec seduces Tess. She gives birth to a baby, whom she names Sorrow. Sorrow dies as an infant, leaving her mother devastated.

Does Tess have a happy ending?

We know that Hardy is a pessimistic novelist. No, probably not- Tess was hanged for the murder of Alec. And the novelist sys that Tess suffers due to the immanent will of an angry God. So, we can say that this novel is not has a happy ending.

Genre in Tess of the D’Urbervilles

Tess of the d’Urbervilles is a fictional novel that is fitting into the Victorian and Pastoral genres of English Literature. Novelist uses the real image of Victorian age. He also uses Naturalism genre, in it genre writer presents the use of realism to show how the human nature works. the writing style in Tess of the d' Urbervilles is rugged, and its tone often melancholic. Writer uses the magical and meaningful words in Tess. 


The theme in Tess of the d’Urbervilles is injustice and judgment, Fate, social criticism, marriage, love, woman situation in Victorian age. Tess has a good nature and loyalty to her family, Tess finds herself in misfortune after misfortune, resulting in her death at the end of the novel. According to Hardy fate is all in all in human life human can’t decide their fate, they must endure constant injustices. It is not Tess’s will to be born into a lower-class family or to be sent to the D’Urbervilles. Tess does not choose to become pregnant. She never chooses her misfortunes, but she must face the consequences regardless. Humans have little control over their fate. Theme of sex and free will also are the important themes in this novel.

Who is responsible for Tess’s death?

Alec and Angle Clare are the responsible for Tess’s death. Alec seduces Tess. Alec harassment make Tess physically desperate, while she loves Angle, but Angel’s love and abandon makes her mentally harmed. This is a male dominant society and Tess becomes the victim of this male dominant society.